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Five Things You Must Consider Before ‘Developing an App’

Before you begin developing an app, it is worth taking the time to properly plan out your development cycle. From defining your intended feature set to load testing, the more work you do before you start coding, the quicker you will be able to progress through the actual development of your app.Below are five essential things to consider before developing your app. The more detailed your initial plans for your app, the smoother the entire development process will go. Before you even think about how to actually code your app, you need to establish exactly what it is going to do and why it is going to be doing it. If you want to develop an app just for the sake of it, this is a great way to teach yourself new skills. But if you are looking at developing an app with an eye to commercializing it, you need to know exactly what you are doing before you begin.

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The Purpose Of Your App

When developing an app for your business, there should be a clear rationale for you doing so. If you are only developing an app because you feel like you are supposed to or because your competitors have beaten you to the punch, the result is almost definitely going to be underwhelming.

On the other hand, if you take the time beforehand to plan your app properly and seriously consider how you can provide real value to your users, you stand a much better chance of critical and commercial success.

Before you can make any detailed plans about what your app will look like and what it will do, you need to be clear with yourself about what its main purpose is.

The Intended Feature Set

Once you have defined the ultimate purpose of your app, you can then begin to think about what features you need to include to achieve it.

Laying out your feature set should be one of the first things you do when you are preparing to develop an app. The features you want to include will have an impact on every other part of the design process.

For example, when it comes to your user interface, you will want to choose something that makes it easy for a user to see and access all of the features your app offers.

Equally, when you are assigning coders to various tasks, knowing what features you are shooting for will enable you to delegate work appropriately. There is no sense in asking a coder to work on a feature that lies well outside of their skill set.

The Price Point

If you are developing an app for a business, most of the time it will be distributed for free. It is important to know upfront whether the app you are working on is going to be provided for free, whether it will cost money, or whether there is an associated subscription cost as the buyer want to save money in all cases.

The price point at which you intend to sell an app will determine how much money you can sink into its development. It will also have a significant impact on the way that the app is marketed.

Fortunately, it is possible for you to have the best of all worlds when it comes to pricing. Many app developers have realized the potential in offering a free version of the app that is funded through advertising alongside a premium version that includes no ads.

The Platform

Before you can properly plan out your app development, you need to establish exactly what platform you are going to be aiming for.

Even if you intend to make your app available on every mobile operating system possible, you will still need to prioritize. In the vast majority of cases, it will make more sense to build your app for one primary platform first and then go about converting it for other platforms.

If you are trying to develop an app for multiple different platforms simultaneously, you are much more likely to run into problems.

Not only this, but you will find yourself having to solve problems for multiple different platforms at once. It is far more efficient to develop for your primary platform and iron out all the kinks before moving on to the next one.

App Load Testing

Developing an app is much more involved than many people realize. Lots of people think that once you have written the code and compiled the binary, your app is done and dusted. On the contrary, it doesn’t matter how talented your coders are or how much regression testing you have undertaken, there is still a range of things that you need to test under specific circumstances.

Load testing is one of many tests that can be used to assess an app’s performance under certain circumstances. Specifically, load testing will tell you how well your app performs when the system running it is under a heavy load and most of its available resources are being used.

For an app that is entirely offline, it is the system resources of the device it is running on that matter.

However, if your app also has online features, the current load placed on your internet connection will also be a factor in determining performance. In this case, many developers use proxies to load test their servers. Some proxy providers offer easy to use options.

Planning is everything in app development. If you take the time beforehand to work out exactly what you are doing and why then you will find the whole process much easier.